
Dog urine killing your grass? Is your lawn spotty from Spot's potty-spots?
By understanding what really causes those ugly spots--and by taking the right steps--your lawn can be free from those unsightly brown spots caused by Dog urine damage. Dog urine spots are the result of a high concentration of urea nitrogen. Urea is a byproduct of digesting proteins and is an important part of a dog’s healthy kidney functions. LawMutt can help your lawn win the fight against potty-spots. Learn how...

How does the the soils pH affect your lawn or garden?
Do you know if your soil is acidic or alkaline? Depending on what part of the Country you are from, your soil can be either acidic or alkaline. Th...
amending clay soil
brown lawn spots
Clay Soil
clay soil amendments
clay soilgarden soil
clay soils
dog owners
dog urine
dog urine grass
dog urine spots
Flower Garden
heavy clay
heavy clay soil
how to amend clay soil
how to improve clay soil
improve clay
improving clay
improving clay soil
lawn spots
lawn urine spots
organic matter
potty spots
top soil
urea spots
Vegetable Garden

Laying new sod where previous lawn has died.
There are two primary concerns when laying sod in an area where the previous lawn has died. These concerns are especially important for dog owners...
amending clay soil
brown lawn spots
Clay Soil
clay soil amendments
clay soils
dog urine
dog urine grass
dog urine spots
heavy clay
heavy clay soil
how to amend clay soil
how to improve clay soil
improve clay
improving clay
improving clay soil
lawn spots
lawn urine spots
new sod
top soil
urea spots

What is the most important thing you can do to minimize dog urine damage to your lawn?
And no, it's not applying our LawnMutt treatment. Although that will make a significant difference.
The best and most effective thing you can do i...

How do biological soil amendments differ from fertilizer and should they be used together?
Using a biological concentrate every time you apply your favorite fertilizer will ensure you deliver the maximum benefit to your lawn and garden.
amending clay soil
brown lawn spots
Clay Soil
clay soil amendments
clay soilgarden soil
clay soils
dog owners
dog urine
dog urine grass
dog urine spots
Flower Garden
heavy clay
heavy clay soil
how to amend clay soil
how to improve clay soil
improve clay
improving clay
improving clay soil
lawn spots
lawn urine spots
new sod
organic matter
top soil
urea spots
Vegetable Garden

Why soil biology reminds me of motor oil.
A few days ago I was sitting in the lobby of an oil change facility when it occurred to me that the function of oil in a car's engine is similar to...
amending clay soil
brown lawn spots
Clay Soil
clay soil amendments
clay soilgarden soil
clay soils
dog owners
dog urine
dog urine grass
dog urine spots
Flower Garden
heavy clay
heavy clay soil
how to amend clay soil
how to improve clay soil
improve clay
improving clay
improving clay soil
lawn spots
lawn urine spots
new sod
organic matter
potty spots
top soil
urea spots
Vegetable Garden

How will fertilizer affect dog urine damaged lawns?
A frequent question from customers we receive is: “Can I fertilize my lawn while using LawnMutt?”
First, the fertilizer you choose will make a tre...

Prevent dog urine from killing your grass.
Dogs cause our lawns to die in spots because they repeatedly urinate in the same areas. Their urine contains urea, which is 46% nitrogen, as well...

Four Common Myths About Dog Urine Spots
Here’s the truth behind some of the biggest myths and urban legends about those frustrating dog urine spots.
If you own a home and a dog, ...